suspension for injection for dogs
The liquid vaccine containing inactivated virus of parvovirosis of dogs to ensure active immunization of dogs, especially designed for pregnant animals to ensure protection of their youngsters by specific colostral immunity against parvovirosis of dogs.
Each one dose (1 ml) contains
Active substances:
Parvovirus enteritidis canis inactivatum NLT 128 HAU.
HAU – hemagglutination units, i.e. antigen amount after inactivation, inducing level of hemagglutination-inhibitor antibodies in guinea-pigs serums according to the European pharmacopoeia requirements.
Adjuvants: aluminium hydroxide gel 2.5 – 4.5 mg,
Excipients: thiomersal NMT 0.1 mg.
An active prophylactic immunization of dogs from 6 weeks of age against parvovirosis of dogs. The vaccine is especially designed for pregnant animals to ensure protection of their youngsters by specific colostral immunity against parvovirosis of dogs. Sufficient immunity develops over 2 to 3 weeks after the primary vaccination. After re-vaccination, the immunity persists for at least 1 year. Colostral immunity starts immediately after birth after intake of colostrum and lasts approximately for 2-4 months depending on the amount of colostrum received and the level of maternal immunity.
Do not use in cases of an acute infectious disease, an organ and feverish disease, detection of an unfavorable post vaccination reaction or allergy at former vaccinations and after stress imposed on animals (transportation, high environmental temperatures). Do not use in unvaccinated pregnant bitches in a high level of pregnancy and just after parturition.
Dosage and method of administration
The immunization dose per 1 animal is 1 ml, irrespective of species, age, sex and weight. The vaccine should be administered subcutaneously (s.c.) best of all into an area behind the scapula.
The vaccine is particularly designed for repeated vaccination of the already immunized pregnant bitches at the latest 2 weeks prior to expected farrowing. The high content of specific antibodies produced and passed to youngsters ensures passive immunity. The vaccine can be used for primary vaccination also of youngsters from 6 to 8 weeks of age particularly in case of an unfavorable infectious situation.
The basic vaccination
Primary vaccination at the age of 6 to 8 weeks. Second dose after 3 weeks after primary vaccination. Primary vaccinated puppies from immunized mothers are recommended to administrate third dose of the vaccine after 3 weeks after second vaccination.
To maintain the persistent immunity, regular annual revaccination is advisable.
Size of package: 12 x 1 dose, 60 x 1 dose
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
For animals only. Veterinary medicinal product to be supplied only on veterinary prescription.