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Human medicaments

Colinfant Newborn contains a lyophilized suspension of live E. coli cells. It prevents the adherence of pathogens by colonization of receptors of intestinal mucosa and displaces present enterophathogenic strains. An important property of the immunopreparation is the ability to extrude pathogenic microorganisms also outside of the digestive tract. It stimulates creation of specific and non-specific antibodies both in the intestine and in serum. It positive and long-term affects the immune response.

In colonized premature infants was demonstrated an occurrence of infections lower by 45 % compared to a control group of children.

Reduces the need of administration of antibiotics – in colonized children was the need to administer antibiotics lower by 41 % compared to a control group of children.
Reduces number of infant deaths related to infections – in colonized children was the number of deaths related to infections lower by 91 % compared to the control group of children.

Reduces number of carriers of pathogens after treatment with antibiotics – after treatment with antibiotics remained 97 % of children carriers of pathogens, after following colonization with the vaccine Colinfant Newborn, the number of carriers was reduced to 23 %.

Reduces long-term occurrence of allergies – in children, which were colonized 10 years ago as newborns, the number of allergy sufferers was lower by 60 % compared to the control group of children. In children colonized 20 years ago, the number of allergy sufferers is lower by 30 % compared to the control group of children.

Reduces on a long-term basis the occurrence of repeated infections – in children that were colonized 10 years ago as newborns was the number of children with repeated infections lower by 60 % compared to the control group of children.

Developed in cooperation with ÚPMD (Institute for the Care of Mother and Child) in Prague 4 – Podolí, Czech Republic.

Reference: The vaccination strain was used and references can be obtained in the ÚPMD in Prague 4 – Podolí, Raja Žádníková, M.D. et PhD., furthermore in Prague – Krč, Plzeň, Ostrava and elsewhere mainly on wards for premature babies.


Powder for oral suspension

Escherichia coli cryodesiccata

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